Friday, October 15, 2021

Module 3 - Global Infrastructure and reliability


You learned about the following concepts:

AWS Regions and Availability Zones
Edge locations and Amazon CloudFront
The AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, and SDKs
AWS Elastic Beanstalk
AWS CloudFormation

For Disaster - Build Datacenters in Large Groups called Region 

- AWS Builds Data center in large group call Region
- Region cost to where traffic demands 
- eg= Paris, Dublin, Virginia Frankfort, Germany, San Palo, Ohio, china
- Each region connects to other region via fiber and High Speed Fiber Network
- Each region is isolated from every other region
- You must explicitly grant permission for data to be moved 

4. Business factors to chose a region
- Compliance government compliance (data must live in .. region)
- Proximity - how close you are to customer base, think of latency)
- Feature availability - not all have a feature and products
- Pricing   (each region has a different price scheme)

- Moving parts inside a Region
- Each Data Center or a group of Data Centers is called an Availability Zone (AZ)
- Each AZ has redundant power, networking and connectivity
- EC2 Instance => Virtual Machine => Physical Hardware => Availability Zone AZ  
- Each AWS region consist of Multiple isolated and physically separated Availability Zone AZ within a geographic region


Runs Amazon CloudFront to help get content closer to customers
An edge location is a site that Amazon CloudFront uses to store cached copies of your content closer to your customers for faster delivery.
An edge location is a data center that an AWS service uses to perform service-specific operations. 

CDN - Amazon Cloud Front 
Low latency 
Edge Location 
Content D
DNS - Amazon Router 53

AWS Outposts is a service that you can use to run AWS infrastructure, services, and tools in your own on-premises data center in a hybrid approach. 

How to provision AWS resources
API (application programming Interface)
AWS Management Console
AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)
AWS Software Development Kits (SDKs)
Various Tools

AWS Elastic Beanstalk
With AWS Elastic Beanstalk, you provide code and configuration settings, and Elastic Beanstalk deploys the resources necessary to perform the following tasks:
Adjust capacity
Load balancing
Automatic scaling
Application health monitoring

AWS CloudFormation
With AWS CloudFormation, you can treat your infrastructure as code. This means that you can build an environment by writing lines of code instead of using the AWS Management Console to individually provision resources.
AWS CloudFormation provisions your resources in a safe, repeatable manner, enabling you to frequently build your infrastructure and applications without having to perform manual actions. It determines the right operations to perform when managing your stack and rolls back changes automatically if it detects errors.


1. Which statement best describes an Availability Zone?
A single data center or group of data centers within a Region

2. Which statement is TRUE for the AWS global infrastructure?
A Region consists of two or more Availability Zones.

3. Which factors should be considered when selecting a Region? (Select TWO.)
Compliance with data governance and legal requirements
Proximity to your customers

4. Which statement best describes Amazon CloudFront?
A global content delivery service

5. Which site does Amazon CloudFront use to cache copies of content for faster delivery to users at any location?
Edge location

6. Which action can you perform with AWS Outposts?
Extend AWS infrastructure and services to your on-premises data center.


High Availability and Fault Tolerance 

- AWS global infrastructure
When determining the right Region for your services, data, and applications, consider the following four business factors. 
Compliance with data governance and legal requirements
Depending on your company and location, you might need to run your data out of specific areas. For example, if your company requires all of its data to reside within the boundaries of the UK, you would choose the London Region. 
Not all companies have location-specific data regulations, so you might need to focus more on the other three factors.

Proximity to your customers
Selecting a Region that is close to your customers will help you to get content to them faster. For example, your company is based in Washington, DC, and many of your customers live in Singapore. You might consider running your infrastructure in the Northern Virginia Region to be close to company headquarters, and run your applications from the Singapore Region.

Available services within a Region
Sometimes, the closest Region might not have all the features that you want to offer to customers. AWS is frequently innovating by creating new services and expanding on features within existing services. However, making new services available around the world sometimes requires AWS to build out physical hardware one Region at a time. 

Suppose that your developers want to build an application that uses Amazon Braket (AWS quantum computing platform). As of this course, Amazon Braket is not yet available in every AWS Region around the world, so your developers would have to run it in one of the Regions that already offers it.

Suppose that you are considering running applications in both the United States and Brazil. The way Brazil’s tax structure is set up, it might cost 50% more to run the same workload out of the São Paulo Region compared to the Oregon Region. You will learn in more detail that several factors determine pricing, but for now know that the cost of services can vary from Region to Region.

-Availability Zone
An Availability Zone is a single data center or a group of data centers within a Region. Availability Zones are located tens of miles apart from each other. This is close enough to have low latency (the time between when content requested and received) between Availability Zones. However, if a disaster occurs in one part of the Region, they are distant enough to reduce the chance that multiple Availability Zones are affected.

Which statement best describes an Availability Zone?
A single data center or group of data centers within a Region

The correct response option is A single data center or group of data centers within a Region.

The other response options are incorrect because:
A Region is a geographical area that contains AWS resources.
An edge location is a data center that an AWS service uses to perform service-specific operations. Edge locations are examined in the next section of this module.
AWS Outposts is a service that you can use to run AWS infrastructure, services, and tools in your own on-premises data center in a hybrid approach. AWS Outposts is explored later in this module.

-Edge locations
An edge location is a site that Amazon CloudFront uses to store cached copies of your content closer to your customers for faster delivery.
CDN Content Delivery Network - Amazon CloudFront Amazon Route 53
Low latency 
AWS Outpost (mini Region in your DC managed by AWS)

Region - Are geographically isolated areas
Region contains Availability Zones
Edge Location run Amazon Cloudfront 

- How to provision AWS resources
Aws management Console Browser based
AWS CLI Command Line Interface
AWS Software Development Kits SDKs
Other Various Tools
API Application Programable Interface Call eg 

-How to provision AWS Resources
AWS Elastic Beanstalk
With AWS Elastic Beanstalk, you provide code and configuration settings, and Elastic Beanstalk deploys the resources necessary to perform the following tasks:
Adjust capacity
Load balancing
Automatic scaling
Application health monitoring

AWS CludFormation 
With AWS CloudFormation, you can treat your infrastructure as code. This means that you can build an environment by writing lines of code instead of using the AWS Management Console to individually provision resources.

AWS CloudFormation provisions your resources in a safe, repeatable manner, enabling you to frequently build your infrastructure and applications without having to perform manual actions or write custom scripts. It determines the right operations to perform when managing your stack and rolls back changes automatically if it detects errors.

Which statement is TRUE for the AWS global infrastructure?
A Region consists of two or more Availability Zones.
The correct response option is A Region consists of two or more Availability Zones.
For example, the South America (São Paulo) Region is sa-east-1. It includes three Availability Zones: sa-east-1a, sa-east-1b, and sa-east-1c.

Question 2
Which factors should be considered when selecting a Region? (Select TWO.)
Compliance with data governance and legal requirements
Proximity to your customers

Question 3
Which statement best describes Amazon CloudFront?
A global content delivery service

The correct response option is A global content delivery service.
Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery service. It uses a network of edge locations to cache content and deliver content to customers all over the world. When content is cached, it is stored locally as a copy. This content might be video files, photos, webpages, and so on.

The other response options are incorrect because:
AWS Outposts is a service that enables you to run infrastructure in a hybrid cloud approach.
AWS Fargate is a serverless compute engine for containers.
Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) is a service that enables you to send, store, and receive messages between software components through a queue.

Question 4
Which site does Amazon CloudFront use to cache copies of content for faster delivery to users at any location?
Edge location

The correct response option is Edge location.

The other response options are incorrect because:
A Region is a separate geographical location with multiple locations that are isolated from each other.
An Availability Zone is a fully isolated portion of the AWS global infrastructure.
An origin is the server from which CloudFront gets your files. Examples of CloudFront origins include Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets and web servers. Note: Amazon S3 is explored later in this course.

Question 5
Which action can you perform with AWS Outposts?
Extend AWS infrastructure and services to your on-premises data center.

The correct response option is Extend AWS infrastructure and services to your on-premises data center.
The other response options are incorrect because:
The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is used to automate actions for AWS services and applications through scripts.
The AWS Management Console includes wizards and workflows that you can use to complete tasks in AWS services.
Software development kits (SDKs) enable you to develop AWS applications in supported programming languages.

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